Romani population in Russia and Eastern Europe by country
The map provides a visualization of the distribution of Romani population in Eastern Europe based on census figures. Click on a country to access the following information: name of the country, official number of Romani people according to the most recent census, an estimate of Romani population, percent of Romani people in the total population of the country, name for Romani in vernacular language of the country, and census year. The average estimates are from Cahn, Claude, and Elspeth Guild. Recent migration of Roma in Europe. Council of Europe, 2010, Appendix 1, pp. 87-88.
Romani Anthem
“Gelem, Gelem” (with many alternative spellings), composed by Žarko Jovanović in 1949.
Romani Day — April 8th
The International Romani Day is a day to celebrate Romani culture and raise awareness of the issues facing Romani people.
Encyclopedia articles
Roma People — Encyclopedia Britannica
RomBase — an overview on Romani history and culture in form of an illustrated encyclopedia