European Academic Network on Romani Studies
Федеральная Национально-Культурная Автономия Российских Цыган (ФНКА)
The Gypsy Lore Society Annual Meeting and Conference on Gypsy Studies
2017 Baltic Sea Conference on Romani Studies, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference “Critical Approaches to Romani Studies”, CEU, Budapest, Hungary, 2017
Museums and cultural organizations
Музей цыганской культуры и быта в Костроме (Россия)
The Museum of Romani Culture in Brno (Czech Republic)
Erdős Kamill Cigány Múzeum (Pécs, Hungary)
Romen Theatre (Moscow, Russia)
World Roma Festival (Prague, Czech Republic)
Chapter Romani (Gypsy) Music in The concise Garland encyclopedia of world music. Volume 1. New York : Routledge, 2008.
Каталог цыганской музыки Восточной Европы (блог цыганской династии Поляковых)
Romani Project at the University of Manchester
Romani Projekt at the University of Graz
Other useful resources
Romani Virtual Library, a resource produced by the RomIdent project
A Roma Journey, a resource of the European Library
Roma Times – Roma News Portal in English, Romani and Macedonian
Gypsies, Roma, Travellers: An Animated History
Правда и вымыслы о цыганах. 5 лекций и 24 материала от Академии Арзамас
Сороки – цыганская столица мира – blog about town Soroca, the “Romani capital” of Modova